May 24th, 2017

There’s a secret to getting your Airbnb property to virtually sell itself online.

Scott Shatford knows what it is. He rents four properties through Airbnb and earns over $100,000 each year.

Gary Bearchell also knows it. He earns over $30,000 on just one Airbnb property.

There are a lot of properties on Airbnb and competition is brutal so what’s the secret?

The secret is simple. You need to stand out from the crowd. To look better and more inviting than your opposition.

But how do you do that?

Well, Gary stumbled on the answer almost by accident.

A Chance Encounter Boosts Business

Gary accepted a booking request and then the person contacted him about the images of his property. He said they were less than idea.

Turns out the person was a professional photographer and he offered Gary new photographs in exchange for one night of free accommodation. This was a great deal for Gary.

The professional photographs increased Gary’s bookings dramatically. He says, “The popularity his photos have brought us would have been worth giving him a whole month for free.”

“Photographs are the single most important factor for marketing a vacation property,” says Scott Shatford. (Click to Tweet)

Shatford started taking his own photos, but quickly realized that he needed professional photos to be competitive. When he made this change, he saw immediate results.

A Picture Truly is Worth a Thousand Words

When you think about it, it makes sense. Pictures are critically important because they’re your prospective guest’s first impression.

People scroll straight past listings with poor images but listings with better photos get booked more often. Pictures also help with your Click Thru Rate (CTR) on the search page.

Both Learn Airbnb and Wise Bread agree that what makes listings stand out time after time are the photographs. But if you’re not skilled at taking photographs of interiors, it can be difficult.

Rooms can look small, dark and gloomy, rather than light and airy. A good professional photographer has the right equipment to open up your rooms and highlight their best features.

Where to Get Professional Photographs

If you want to stand out in the crowd, you need to do something that makes you stand out. With Airbnb that means you need high-quality photographs for your listings.

Pixilink offers professional photographs for a great price: 20 photos cost $250 and 35 photos cost $350. Let us help show your Airbnb in the best light so vacationers can’t wait to book with you.

First-class images can help your listings virtually walk out the door.